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Wills & Testaments

Why do you need a Will?

  • To choose how your estate will be divided.

  • To choose your heir/s.

  • To appoint trusted executors to administer your estate.

  • To ensure the longevity of your family following your death.

  • To avoid lengthy delays in the administration of your estate following your death.

Not having Wills and Testaments can lead to family feuds as people fight over shares in your Estate.

Death should be a time of bereavement and looking to the future, not a time to be fighting over money.

To ensure the people you want to inherit your Estate actually do so, you need to have thorough last Wills and Testaments put in place which covers every asset you have accumulated in your lifetime.

If you do not have an effective Executor appointed for your Estate, or if your will is not comprehensive enough, the government will have a say over how your assets are divided.

This means that someone other than yourself will decide to where and how your Estate gets divided.

Creating Wills and Testaments where you stipulate your heirs and executors is the first step towards ensuring your assets end up in the right hands.

Imagine having worked hard your whole life to ensure a better future for your family, when one small technicality prevents this from happening.

Having your Wills and Testaments, Trusts and Estate co-ordinated by a fiduciary professional can really make all the difference.

There cannot be a succession path following your death if a Will has not been put in place. This means that all your hard work will end up in the wrong hands following your death.

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